bags. Thanks to my sister Shannon though! It's hard to pack while your body is dozing off to the sounds of oxycodone. Why was I on medication, you ask? Great question! Let me give you the cliff note version:
1. Friday afternoon Ryan was excited about Nashville.
2. Ryan
went to the youth cookout at the church.
3. There were four wheelers.
4. 30 mph
5. A hill.
6. 25 feet of airtime.
7. Unconcious.
8. Concious and quoting scriptures. Why was quoting scriptures? No clue. Haha...former Bible quizzer.
9. Ambulence.
10. 4 hours in the ER.
11. Broken collarbone.
12. Packing with his sister.
13. Now driving to Nashville.
The moral of the story is: nothing should keep you from Quizzing nationals or Youth Congress.
See ya there!
-- Post From My iPhone
omw thats funny!